Working with us

Greater Manchester Combined Authority was established in 2011, bringing together ten councils and the Mayor and working together with local services, business, communities and other partners to make Greater Manchester a better place for all.

We work across a range of areas including work and skills, waste and resources, community resilience, fire and rescue, transport, investment and economy, culture, environment and ageing well.

We are a public sector employer of choice in Greater Manchester, who offer exciting opportunities that are at the forefront of public sector innovation and devolution. By working for us you will be directly contributing and making positive a difference to the Greater Manchester region, to the communities, businesses and people that live and work here.

Working together to make Greater Manchester fairer, greener and more prosperous

As an employing organisation the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) deliver key strategic policy, planning and programme support to GM Local authorities and partner organisations enable the Greater Manchester Strategy to be delivered.

We work across more than 23 areas including; Work and Skills, Waste and Resources, Resilience, Investment, Environment, Economy and Ageing. You can find out more about what we do here: What We Do – Greater Manchester Combined Authority (

As of 2023 the GMCA employed over 2,200 members of staff, this includes Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service employees who make up over 70% of our workforce.

Why work for us?

We are a public sector employer of choice in Greater Manchester, who offer exciting opportunities that are at the forefront of public sector innovation and devolution.

By working for us you will be directly contributing and making positive a difference to the Greater Manchester region, to the communities, businesses and people that live and work here.

Positive & Inclusive culture:

We are proud to say that we have retained our 2 star “outstanding” staff rating in the last B-heard survey, demonstrating the positive culture that we have built continues to thrive.

Some more of our awards and accreditations include:

We value the diversity of our employees, and aim to recruit a workforce which reflects our diverse communities across Greater Manchester. We welcome and encourage applications from all irrespective of people’s age, disability, Trans status and Non-binary identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. We have guidance in place to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly and consistently at every stage of the recruitment process, including the consideration of reasonable adjustments for people who have a disability.

In addition, we have built a range of internal staff networks to support our staff. These include: Rainbow (LGBTQA+), GM Women’s Success and Support Network, Race and Faith, Enable Staff Network (dis-ability network) and Armed Forces Network.