Greater Manchester Strategy

In recent times Greater Manchester has seen unprecedented growth, development and opportunity for our people and places. A place of pioneers, innovation, beautiful scenery and home to many thriving and diverse communities. In response to the pandemic we have come together as a mature and honest system wide partnership to respond to the challenges faced, which tested our responses, our ability to adapt and the needs of our communities, places and businesses. As we move forward from the pandemic, Greater Manchester is determined to
become greener, fairer, more prosperous, driven by opportunities in all localities across the conurbation.

This Strategy is Greater Manchester’s plan for all the communities, neighbourhoods, towns and cities which make up our city-region. It is our plan for recovery and renewal following the pandemic. It provides a clear direction of travel for our city-region, focused on those areas where all parts of the conurbation need to work together to achieve our shared vision of:

Good Lives for All: that Greater Manchester is a great place to grow up, get on and grow old; a great place to invest, do business, visit and study.

We want Greater Manchester to be a place where everyone can live a good life, growing up, getting on and growing old in a greener, fairer more prosperous city region.

Our strategy for Greater Manchester sets out a route, over the next decade, to deliver this vision for the benefit of our people, our places and our planet.

Working collectively across our city region, with our communities, we will focus on improved wellbeing for the 2.8m people here, with better homes, jobs and transport.

We will continue the work to make Greater Manchester a great place to visit, invest and study, with thriving businesses which are UK and world leading, in sectors including low carbon and digital.

We will look through the triple lens of a greener, fairer and more prosperous Greater Manchester, making sure activity supports all three themes.

We’ll do it in a way which is inclusive, innovative and forward thinking, building on the pioneering and progressive culture which underpins our city region.

And we’ll make sure we can be held to account, with a delivery plan showing the collective actions we are taking, and a performance framework to demonstrate progress.

Our strategy is due to be refreshed later on this year.